The Idea

As the years go by and the pain of heartache ceases to subside, so little pride does it leave by his side. Though at no fault of other ‘significant’, the pain is self-inflicted, unbeknownst till this day, he lives with it.

Hating the feeling brought amongst himself, he searches for a remedy without sacrificing the progress of that overused cliche, “time heals all.”

Everything reminds him, but not for the widely accepted reason our society begs to claim. Albeit, there is reason there, but not in his case. He reminds himself that the idea of being in love is far stronger than the person wielding it.


Have you ever closed your eyes to spread your wings?

Have you ever donned your spirit and let it dance?

Have you ever turned off your reality and stepped through the veil?

Have you ever flown among the stars and seen the void full of freedom?

Have you ever lived a lifetime of love and pain in a nanosecond?

Have you ever felt eternity in a single moment?

Feelings aren’t the enemy. Emotions aren’t the darkness. Together they are life and they prove our existence.

I want you to know it’s okay to feel. It’s okay to love. It’s okay to hurt. Without it, are we truly alive?

Want to know the purpose of life? Why we’re here? Fall in love, I mean truly fall. In that moment of serenity, you’ll find the meaning of life and in that moment of destruction, you’ll understand what it means to be alive.


Dear Love

Dear Love,

Can you repair a broken halo?

Can you unclip my severed wings?

Can you replace the scars I don tomorrow, quite unknowingly?

Do you have the will to keep me still, through all the pain beneath?

If you can’t do any of these things, then I have no use for you.

I don’t mean to be selfish, but you’re the one who sells it, like it’s a lifelong dream come true.

So if tomorrow comes and you refuse to run, then I’ll be forced to run from you.

Toodaloo 👋



Silence slain by the reverberation of acoustic vibration, slowly relinquishing one’s inhibitions and removing the shackles of stress and life.

Like time, it flows. Like the ignorant kid, it goes, in one ear and out the other, sometimes the nose. It fills us with emotion that no one knows, for we hide so society won’t judge our muse.

It has a sort of healing power within its notes and rhythms, but as I’ve grown, I’ve noticed, this too takes time.

Not defined by definitions of words, but perhaps by feeling of heart and guidance of soul. We’ve dubbed it “Music” which we describes very little as far as the world knows.

Greek in nature, nine goddesses boasting arts’ stature. Among them, poetry, art, music, and dance. Together silently providing the world with culture and outlets to remedy almost any lost mind or damaged spirit.


Building Blocks of Life

Life, at its core, is nothing more than a collection of positively charged nuclei consisting of protons and neutrons orbited by electrons. This contains nearly all of a body’s mass. Everything in the universe is made up of this foundational elegance of uniquely bonded particles dancing in harmony to create what we know as reality. They are the building blocks of our very existence. They are not sentient, they don’t have feelings or emotions. They simply exist. Alone, they are pixels that build upon each other to form the intelligence that we have dubbed humanity.

The craziest part of it all is it goes even deeper. There’s an underlying fabric sewed within our reality where particles find the laws of physics hysterical. It’s the junction between that world and our own where particles exist as both themselves and waves. In this place, every possibility exists all at once like a ghost waiting for acknowledgment. Once acknowledged, the particles give a static result based upon our realities’ limitations. This area of science boggles the minds of many and throws the definition of the scientific methodology on its head. When you first realize how magnificently bizarre quantum physics really is, you begin to interpret areas of your life differently. It may interest you to know that you’re never truly “touching” anything. It’s the repelling of like particles that give you the sensation of “feeling” an object.

In essence, we are nothing more than sub-atomic legos, and we step on them every day.


Definition of Humanity

Chaotic, rambunctious, barbaric, peaceful, loving, generic.





These are some of the things that define who we are, but also the things that we’re afraid to share with one another. Fear for the lack of being cool or ruining the feng shui (Qi) or the flow of energy. We live inside of our own bubbles of realism that shades us from becoming the tree of potential we secretly seek to be. We’re so far from the truth of where we could be, that it becomes unbearable for me at times. I only wish I could do more.

Take a hard look at the people around you on your way to work or while you’re getting groceries and ask yourself, is this who and what we’re really destined to be? Is our destiny for posterity to stay openly locked in a planet-sized prison until we hyphenate “H” with bomb?

Imagine you went back to 1969 and from that moment on made sure no one was left without and everyone had a fair chance at life to become what only their childhood dreams remember. I wonder what kind of civilization we would live in today.

It’s not too late to remove the shackles of the life you’ve become accustomed to. To remove the blindfold and confront the uncomfortability to become something your motivation thought you could never achieve. It’s not too late to fight the mundane existence we deem “normal” because truly, normal should be a constant state of societal progression. We’ve lost our way and because of that, we’ve lost the true definition of humanity.


Lakebed of Thoughts

My thoughts in meditation surprise me lately. A summary of questions of what it means to be human and our purpose here. It’s like a dream of thoughts that dissipate when I open my eyes, hard to remember. One thought sticks with me though, thoughts, feelings, and emotions are what make up my universe, which tells me that I have direct control over my fate, or is it that that is the illusion of free will? Perhaps our entire existence is a reoccurring episode for the entertainment of the man in charge. Who really knows why we’re here, but I do know this. Every single conscious being in the vastness of the cosmos is unique like a fingerprint. Hell, we’re lucky to even be here despite all the odds. I believe we’re special in a sense, not just the human race, but perhaps other potential sentient beings that may exist as well.

